Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Forget war! enjoy mazes, cats, gambling and good times.

Solution to the maze found here
If you think playing online casino games or solving online mazes or crossword puzzles is bad for your productivity, think again. In actuality, these types of activities can help you relax your minds when you're stumped on a problem and allow you to revisit the problem later with a clear mind and a fresh new perspective. The best types of online activities, in fact, tend to offer immersive experiences that require you to focus on them as you do them, but don't leave any residual effects when you're done. Unlike chess, which can leave you wondering for hours what would have happened if you had made one move instead of a different one, casino games like roulette disappear from your mind as soon as they are over. You either won or you lost. That makes it a good activity for clearing your mind between projects or even in the middle of a project that's giving you trouble. Simply leave a tab open on your computer throughout the day and return to the online casino whenever the time is right. It may be tempting to play roulette or blackjack even when you should be working, but there is no shortage of distractions on the Internet, so it shouldn't make much difference. Odds are, there are other tabs on your computer that are open already that provide bigger distractions than a crossword puzzle, maze, or game of slots. And it's also likely that those aren't nearly as helpful in solving problems.

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